Autism Education Summit – An Effort to Improve ASD Treatment

autism Summit

Autism has affected millions of lives in this world. Physicians are continuously trying their best to come up with new ways to improve the quality of Autism Spectrum Disorder’s (ASD) treatment. Parents of children with autism are also eager to know about ways that can help their children win over all challenges. To impart valuable knowledge on ASD to the world, and most importantly to the parents of autistic children, the Autism Education Summit is coming to Texas this October. It is going to combine the experience of parents and…

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Proteomic And Genomic Studies Open A New Dimension Of Autism


Autism is not only a disease but is turning into a social curse. We have heard about many neurological disorders, but autism is the only one which does not come with a single disorder. That’s why when a patient is diagnosed with autism, it is found that the patient is suffering from a group of disorders because autism can’t be diagnosed by examining one particular disorder. That’s the reason why autism is called ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders). Some basic symptoms are already pointed out to identify a patient with ASD….

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Autistic Patients Have More Synapses Than Normal


There are many neuropsychiatric disorders, but autism is the only one which is found as an incurable one because of its strong genetic basis. Apart from that in case of the adult autistic patients, the autistic disorders may turn into another brain disorder like epilepsy with symptoms of random seizure. Although autism can’t be neglected, it can’t be cured as well so, we are trying to find out different diagnostic parameters to get another issues, which are also responsible besides the wrong genomic expressions for autistic disabilities.   Different Diagnostic…

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OSEL Can Diagnose (Nonverbal Communication) Autism


As autism or ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders) takes the first place among all brain diseases and mental disorders due to its incurable symptoms of social skill impairment so, we need to be more conscious to reveal the unrevealed things of autistic disorders. And for this thing we need to continue our study and research. The first thing to study autism is identifying the people with autistic disorder through proper diagnosis. Diagnosis on or before the age of 3 is very helpful to start the treatment and for increasing the chance…

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Elevated Levels Of Sex Hormones May Lead To Autism In Male


As autism is widely spread in our society and according to the data report of CDC, 1 out of 68 children is suffering with this neurological disorder, we have to be more conscious and up to date about the facts, which cause autism spectrum disorders (ASD). As it is bench marked that autism is strongly a genetic disorder and many genetic bio markers are discovered by researchers, so it may be a reason that no cure is found for this genetic as well as neurological disorder. Autism is still under…

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A Prototype Toy Can Be Legendary To Diagnose Autism


We are all curious to know that the cure of autism or ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders). Because the neurological disorder or the spectrum of disorders is turning into a social curse. If we look for evidence, then the CDC data report of 2010 shows that autistic disorders are found in 1 out of 68 children. Being a part of our society, we are searching for the cure of autism, though it is declared that autism is not totally curable because of its strong genetic basis. But we can fight back…

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Will Drug Therapy Be Able To Cure Autism?


Autism, which is a neurological disorder and as well as a genetic disorder, is widely spread in our population. If we look the CDC reports, the 2010 data report shows that 1 out of 68 children was found with autistic disorders in the U.S. More or less, we all know the autistic symptoms. And they are like, Lack of verbal communication Lack of eye contacts Repetitive behaviors Cognitive disabilities and many more. In one sentence, all these symptoms represent the social skill impairment of an autistic child. But if it…

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Adult Autism Needs More Attention


Autism is not curable as it is strongly genetic, but we can avoid the severity of autistic disorder if autism or ASDs (Autism Spectrum Disorders) is diagnosed at an early stage of life, on or before the age of three. But autistic symptoms are not only diagnosed or expressed in children; the same autistic disorders or ASDs (Autism Spectrum Disorders) are also found in adults. According to CDC data report of 2010, autism or autistic symptoms are found in 1 out of 68 children in U.S but far less attention…

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A Serial Killer May Have An Autistic Brain


Autism is a well known neurological disorder and is found on 1 out of 68 children according to the CDC data report of 2010. This neurological disorder comes with different symptoms. Some of these disorders are lack of verbal communication, repetitive or stereotyped behavior, social skill impairment and cognitive disabilities. If we are going to analyze the symptoms which are mentioned above, then a lot more symptoms will come according to each. Autism is not a single disorder, and that’s why it is termed as ASDs (Autism Spectrum Disorders). Now…

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How Can Washing Hands Keep Away Autism?


Autism, a well-known and widely spread neurological disorder, comes with symptoms of social skill impairment, and cognitive disabilities with repetitive or stereotyped behavior. Besides neurological disorder, autism has a strong genetic basis. That is the reason why autism can’t be cured but can be improved to some extent. Therefore, it is better to take precautions before having autism and this is in our hands. From our childhood, our parents always asked and even scolded us to wash our hands before eating or before doing anything for our hygiene. You must…

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