Autism – According to Dr Martha R. Herbert, MD


A lot of us have different ideas on autism. There are a number of misconceptions that arises because of incomplete information and incorrect ideas on autism. However, a recent interview given by Dr Martha R. Herbert on autism revealed quite a bit about it.

dr martha herbert

Dr Herbert defined autism in a very clear and professional fashion in Autism: A Brain Disorder, or a Disorder that Affects the Brain. Through her report, she had mentioned quite a number of points that we need to be very clear on.

First of all, autism is a disorder that comes with behavioral problems like language and speech issues. Hyperfocus, which is nothing but reduced behavioral flexibility and the inability to reciprocate socially, is one of the most common symptoms of autism.

She pointed out that autism is a strong genetically influenced disorder. However, its genetic and biological basis is still unknown. Autistic children face a number of troubles in their lives like tissue inflammations, gastro intestinal problems and infections, and much more.

These issues are results of problems with brain connectivity issues. There has been immense research work going on with regards to autism treatment. However, no single treatment procedure has been found that has been certified by the FDA as a certain cure for this disability.

Awareness is something that is being taken up seriously at this point of time. Along with it, hyperbaric treatment and therapy has also seen a good popularity over the years. Dr Herbert and her work Autism: A Brain Disorder, or a Disorder that Affects the Brain is yet another example of how experts are trying to make a difference for the autistic patients.

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