Social Behavior in Autistic Children Restored with Brain Stimulation

Social Behavior in Autistic Children Restored with Brain Stimulation

According to new research, neuromodulation can be one of the ways to manage autism spectrum disorder. As per research, the right Crus I (RCrusI) has a significant role to play as far as autism is concerned. This area is not just for co-ordinating movements, but it also affects ASD behaviour. After lots of research, it has been found that any issues with this area can lead to social impairment. According to Dr Peter Tsai, this finding is very important and that though one cannot change the genetic combination of the…

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Can Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy be an Effective Alternative Treatment for Autism?

When Toros was diagnosed to be autistic at the age of four years, the deepest fear of his mother was confirmed. Toros, at two and a half years of age, had suffered a TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury). The development of the child came to a halt and gradually stopped as the early years of Toros went by. By six years of age, Toros faced substantial delay in his concentration ability, memory, and speech. Regression signs were also noticed in his language retention. Toros’s mother was unable to find any effective…

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Larry King to be Honored for Autism Advocacy


Larry King, the famous American radio and television host, will be acknowledged for his immense contribution in the advocacy of autism on the 11th of November 2017 at the D.R.E.A.M gala 2017 of Autism Movement Therapy. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is the name given to a group of similar neurodevelopmental conditions that impact the nervous system. The disorder impairs social and communication skills and is characterized by repetitive behavior. ‘Autism’ was first used by a Swiss psychiatrist known as Eugen Bleuler in the year 1911. He used this term while…

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Folic Acid may Reduce Autism Risk in Newborn

Folic Acid may Reduce Autism Risk in Newborn

The latest study, by the Environmental Health Perspectives, has indicated that mothers can reduce the risk of pesticide-related autism by consuming recommended-doses of folic acid during conception and early stages of pregnancy. Pregnancy is one of the most anticipated phases in a woman’s life! The transformation is dramatic, with expectant mothers undergoing physical, emotional and psychological changes. The experience often changes a woman’s view of life and makes her feel responsible for her body, and the health of the child in her womb. In order to ensure a safe pregnancy…

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Do Fidget Spinners Really Aid in Reducing Anxiety and ADHD? Experts Are Dubious

fidget spinner

You must have heard a lot about fidget spinners by now. These are simple toys with small blades, which whirl in speed. The latest Internet buzz on fidget spinners talks about its theraputic benefits on people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism. The surprising fact is no one even knew about fidget spinners six months back. It’s since December when Forbes designate them as “office toys,” they start getting popular. Aren’t you excited to know do fidget spinners really have healing benefits? When Was Fidget Spinner First Invented?…

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Montreal’s School for Children with Autism Hopes to Raise $400,000 through its Valentine’s Day Fundraiser

Montreal’s School for Children with Autism Hopes to Raise

Valentine’s Day is the day of love. In this season of love, Giant Steps school, the only school for autistic children in Montreal, wishes to share the love with kids with autism. The school hopes to collect $400,000 through its Valentine’s Day fundraiser. Administrators, teachers, and parents are joining hands for a fundraiser dedicated to their loved school, Giant Steps. It’s the province’s only autism-specific school, and it requires to collect one million dollars in a year just to fulfill the basic needs and make ends meet. Autism, a neurodevelopmental…

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Research Links Obesity with Autism


Obesity is more prevalent among autistic children during adolescence in comparison to those without it, according to a study carried out by a team of researchers from Tufts University School of Medicine. The researchers are of the same opinion on the fact that ASD could have significant health consequences for a child in the long run. To the already known facts about autism, the study adds that while there is a possibility of the figures of obesity showing a downward trend in adolescence in case of children who haven’t been…

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Medical Cannabis for Autistic Children can soon be a Reality

Medical Cannabis

Over the years, autism has emerged as a challenge to the mental well being of children in the United States. Increasing cases pertaining to the diagnosis of children with autism has prompted the concerned department of the country to take effective steps subsequently in order to meet the challenge. In line with the efforts to normalize the lives of autistic patients, the Minnesota Department of Health is considering the possibility of putting autism on the list of conditions wherein medical cannabis can be prescribed to the patients, according to a…

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Researchers Crack the Genetic Code of Autism and Schizophrenia

Genetic Code of Autism and Schizophrenia

The conspicuous advancement in medical science has reached a new level with the recent findings of commonness between the genes of schizophrenia and autism, as indicated by a report. The report highlights that the risk genes for both the disorders become functional in the same neuronal zone that consists of the cortex of the brain. It suggests commonness of some unnoticed illness processes, despite the fact that the known genetic variation linked with both the disorders overlap only by 5%. Schizophrenia, and autism are lifelong mental disorders which affect the…

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Researchers Associate Late Autism With Higher Levels Of Steroid Hormones


According to a news report, scientists associated with the University of Cambridge, and the Statens Serum Institute from Denmark, have uncovered the relationship between developing autism later and extended levels of steroid hormones like testosterone, cortisol, progesterone, etc. in children in the mother’s womb. It is believed to be a landmark achievement that can help solve the mystery of why males are more prone to autism than females. The news report further states that about 19,500 fluid samples containing amniotic fluid, stored in a biobank in Denmark, were used by…

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