Both Autism and Rett Syndrome are chronic neurological disorders hindering mental growth of a human being. These lead to cognitive impairment along with impaired abilities to communicate. These individuals have difficulties in reciprocating feelings and expressions. Researchers have found that in case of autism and Rett syndrome the subject is bound to experience pervasive impairment, seizures, gastroenterological disorders and mental retardation. However in both cases no biological cause has been detected up till now.
Autism Symptoms are accompanied with impaired communication skills, stereotyped activities and interests and over sensitivity to light, noise and taste. Some of the major autistic symptoms starts showing up when the child is just 18 months old. It has been found out that 75% of autistic children suffer from mental retardation. Autism mostly affects male children and it’s a proven fact.
Rett syndrome is similar to that of autism. Some of the symptoms include de-shaped heads and impaired growth of the brain. However Rett syndrome is common in female children. it is also accompanied with improper movements of the hands. These individuals have severe trouble in communication.