There are no set rules for treating autism, as every autistic individual has special medical and emotional requirements that do not cohere with the requirements of any other patient. There is constant experimentation being undertaken to find the right solution. Here are five alternative methods for treating autistic individuals.
Music Therapy
Good music often excites children to move along and sing along, thereby improving their motor mechanisms as well as speech capabilities. It has been observed that autistic children who do not speak otherwise often sing along with the lyrics of the song. Thereby music therapy can be used as an effective alternative way of developing the vocal and communication faculties of the child.
Sensory Integration
Every individual, and not necessarily an autistic child, has sensory memories of touch and smell that remind them of something happy. Researchers and doctors have often employed this method to invoke reactions from autistic children, as such children rely heavily on sensory perceptions of taste, touch, smell and sound to communicate rather than adopting a coherent verbal format.
Dietary regulations play an important role in improving the conditions of an autistic child. It is often advised that they should follow a gluten-free diet, that is, avoid the intake of any wheat products. In some cases, parents and care givers of autistic children are also advised to remove all diary products from the diet chart. Certain food products have an extremely detrimental effect in the health conditions of autistic children, and therefore, it is best to consult a doctor or nutritionist before charting out a diet plan.
Omega 3
As a fatty acid, Omega 3 has proven to have several health benefits such as improve sleeping patterns, general health and social skills among autistic children. It is easily available in nutritional stores. It is best to consult a doctor before incorporating this fatty acid into the diet of the autistic child.
Play Therapy
Play therapy is always a success with autistic children as they do not feel that they are putting in any extra effort. While playing, children are more relaxed, and hence they react naturally. A play-therapy session helps autistic children to bond with the teacher and other playmates, and thereby develop feelings of trust.
Apart from prescribed drugs, such non-invasive methods of treating autistic individuals help them to develop their motor and verbal skills, and also bond better with fellow members of the group.