“How much longer it will take for Autism to get national attention?”- Parents ask Obama
The Fox Business news portal provided an interesting read on the 9th of September 2009; it is about declaring autism a nation health crisis. So H1N1 now has a partner!
It was an initiative on the part of NAA (National Autism Association), which, with aid from a collective of health agencies, the Educational and Legal Departments and the Obama Administration addressed the age-old confusions on health insurance coverage, dangerous restraints and seclusion practices.
Another post at Health Informer also concentrated on the same issue that made over 50,000 letters reach President Barack Obama, as a response to the rising numbers of autism-related cases. What seems very surprising is why do people keep asking about something when the solution is right in front of their eyes?
The remedies for autism (also in children) range from the hyperbaric oxygen treatment to the ancient Indian Ayurveda; in fact, there are many proofs that show us autism-related symptoms like ADHD are curable through shooting sports. But all these treatments are related to each other; for Indian Ayurveda to work properly on autistic patients, the ground must be created by the HbOT treatments. So the question “How much longer it will take for Autism to get national attention?” doesn’t hold if people keep shut their eyes towards the obvious remedies. Whether it is a deliberate measure or an inner fear that keeps them aloof is a different question; the President now must make people understand the significance of the revolutionary oxygen treatment measures.