Breakthrough Research: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Shows Promising Results in Treating Autism Spectrum Disorder

buy a hyperbaric chamber

Autism Spectrum Disorder, a.k.a. ASD, is becoming a common neurodevelopmental condition worldwide, affecting patients in diverse ways. Some experience communication challenges, while others complain of repetitive behaviors. Even though ASD has been around for decades, researchers and the medical fraternity have still not found a treatment that eliminates it from the root cause. However, plenty of treatments have emerged to tame the symptoms and offer significant relief to ASD patients. Of all the various treatments, HBOT chamber therapy is being hailed as one of the most promising options. Its non-invasive…

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HBOT Therapy: Is it Good for Autism?

HBOT For Autism

Autism is emerging as a common health disorder in people worldwide, especially in children. It is a developmental disability that can create serious problems related to repetitive behaviors, social communication, restricted behaviors, interaction, and more. People diagnosed with autism generally have a distinct way of playing, paying attention, learning, moving, communicating, etc. While there are conventional treatment methods, people are now looking for alternative treatment options that are less invasive yet effective. It is where the role of hyperbaric oxygen therapy or HBOT comes into the picture. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy…

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4 Key Questions About Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Key Questions About Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) has gained wide popularity as a treatment for a number of medical conditions. It has also been used as an alternative treatment for several health conditions where conventional medicine has been unable to provide any significant benefits. HBOT involves breathing of 100% oxygen within a chamber, called hyperbaric chamber, in which the atmospheric pressure is controlled and increased. Normally, oxygen transportation within the body takes place through red blood cells.  With Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, oxygen dissolves in all fluids of the body, fluids of central nervous…

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Co-Founder of Autism Speaks Steps Down from Post of Chairman

Autism Speaks

On May 1, 2015, Bob Wright, one of the Co-Founders of ‘Autism Speaks’, stepped down from the post of ‘Chairman of the Board of Directors’. Autism Speaks is a world-renowned advocacy and science institution for autism. It was founded by Mr. Wright and his wife in 2005, when autism diagnosis was made for their grandson. Since then, Mr. Wright worked as the organization’s chairman. The person to be honored with the position of the new Chairman is Brian Kelly, a member of the organization’s Executive Committee and Board of Directors….

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Elevated Levels Of Sex Hormones May Lead To Autism In Male


As autism is widely spread in our society and according to the data report of CDC, 1 out of 68 children is suffering with this neurological disorder, we have to be more conscious and up to date about the facts, which cause autism spectrum disorders (ASD). As it is bench marked that autism is strongly a genetic disorder and many genetic bio markers are discovered by researchers, so it may be a reason that no cure is found for this genetic as well as neurological disorder. Autism is still under…

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