Autism is a bio-neurological disorder that affects an individual’s way of communicating and relating to the social environments. Autism in children is usually recognized within the first three years of life. While some of the Autistic child might have learning disabilities, some might experience over-sensitivity or under-sensitivity to touch, sounds, smells, tastes, colors and lights. Autism is a lifelong developmental disorder and no medication or therapies have been discovered that would completely cure the autistic conditions. All the autistic individual experience difficulties in three main areas (triad of impairments), but…
Read MoreAuthor: Daniel Morris
Expert guest Dr. Mumper joins Dr. Rossignol to Lecture and Discuss on Pediatric GI in Autism and Other Special Needs
Have you been vigilant about your child’s GI tract? Did your little one ever complained of tummy pains or GI discomfort? If yes, well, the last thing you would want is missing out on the special discussion session hosted by California Integrative Hyperbaric 9th of February 2013. At this session of CIHC Advanced ASD Education Series, the Chairman of the Medical Academy of Pediatric Special Needs (MAPS), Dr. Rossingol would be joined by Elizabeth Mumper from the Rimland Center, who is also a MD, Fellow, American Academy of Family Physicians…
Read MoreSensory Integration Therapy for Autistic Children
Among the multifarious difficulties encountered and suffered by the autistic children, sensory issues seem to be the most acute. Although not all the autistic children suffer from them, but when they do, then this feature of their problem becomes the most prominent. This issue involves the polarity of two extremes- on the one hand, a child can be over-sensitive to the stimuli, on the other hand, they can be under-sensitive and under-receptive to the stimuli. Over-sensitive autistic children are unable to bear any loud noise. For them different types of…
Read MoreIntervention of Behavior Therapy to Help Autistic Children
One of the telling characteristics of autistic children is the unconventional and abnormal behavior which in their case is not forced but spontaneous. Such behaviors include self-injurious activities like banging one’s head on the wall or picking one’s own skin, obsessive behavior like stemming or spinning and there can be more dangerous one like kicking. All these behaviors, no matter how strong they are, can be rectified by a therapy known as behavior therapy. Behavior therapy has been proved to be an effective treatment procedure for autistic children that includes…
Read MoreHow Music Therapy Improves Communication Skill of Autistic Children
In the recent time, autism has been found to be more prevalent among children than ever. The symptoms of this condition begin to manifest themselves within the first three years of the child’s life. This condition is the outcome of slow or abnormal development of brain, although the factors that trigger the creation of this condition remain largely unknown. Although this is an incurable health condition, but doctors have managed to devise many fun and educative therapies that can help improve the quality of life and Music therapy is one…
Read MoreTreatment of Autistic Children Through Alternative Method
As autism is the outcome of neuro-developmental problem, doctors are looking for alternative method to take care of it. Although its cure is not possible, but several techniques have been devised that can help improve this condition and lead to the betterment of the quality of the life led by autistic children. These methods are either applied alone or work jointly with other methods. Similarly, your child will also not respond positively to all these methods. So what you can do is to try all these methods to know which…
Read MoreBenefits of Aquatic Therapy for Autistic Children
Autistic children can reap a number of benefits from aquatic therapy, which can contribute to raise their productivity level and improve the quality of their life. This therapy can also be treated as a fun and recreational activity. A number of health benefits can be accrued form this therapy: 1. Takes care of sensory issues: Autistic children always tend to have sensory issues and they are sensitive to the sensations of light, touch and taste. Such children’s reaction to the stimuli of their environment depends on the quality and texture…
Read MoreRecommended Therapies to Treat Autism
Autism Spectrum disorder is a neurological developmental disorder that normally surfaces within the toddlers in their initial age, between 1-3 years. This disorder hampers the normal development of the brain and impairs the social interaction and communication skills. The autistic children also tend to involve in repetitive behaviors such as repetitive movement of body parts such as flapping the hands, or rolling the head etc. Compulsive behavior is noticed in some children who tend to arrange objects in lines or stacks. Some children with suspected Autism will get irritated with…
Read MoreHyperbaric Therapy: A wonder of science
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been used for decades to enhance healing process and cure diabetic wound infection; but after a long and consistent HBOT research, just recently doctors and experts have figured out that, hyperbaric chambers can cure much severe conditions of human body. So, let’s just talk about how it works. I believe we all know that, Oxygen is our life force and the ‘red cells’ of our blood delivers oxygen to our tissue cells, which makes our body run. But Injuries, infections and diseases strangles the oxygen flow…
Read MoreHow to Develop Healthy Food Habit in Autistic Children
Developing a healthy food habit in autistic children is no less than challenge for their parents. The difficulty mainly arises because of their preference for a particular food item. Autistic children love to follow a fixed schedule religiously and the same rule applies when it comes to their meal. If they like any food item they tend to develop an addiction for it and this addiction can get extended to the level of refusing to take meal if due to some reason their favorite food is not available. Parents of…
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